
transilvania and romania

In deșteaptă-te române, euromania, transylvania dreaming on January 19, 2009 at 20:02


photo source>>
on january 12th
2009 GARDIANUL, a national romanian newspaper published an article  that harshly criticized the corrupt, intransparent, balkan style politics of old-romanian (valahia+moldova) politicians, opposing them the apparently  more competent and correct, central european behaviour and attitude of transylvanian politicians.

according to the article the “battle” between transylvanians, valahians and moldovans over the share of the economical burden and financial revenues of romania has just begun and it would be a tough one.

remembering the ideological, often histerical discourses of the past, stressing the unity of the regions of romania and mentioning mainly the transylvanian hungarians as “enemies” of this idea of centralism and homogeneous administrativ unity, one cannot oversee/overhear the new tone in the debate, that seems to have (finally) become a romanian-romanian one, not a romanian-hungarian any more.

can/should transylvania offer alternatives to today’s romania and its paradigm of balkan type nationalism, centralism, ethnocracy, autocracy? is transilvania really different from the “rest” of romania or is rather a myth?

your opinion, information, background-knowledge is wanted on this issue! in romanian, german, english, hungarian, french… no problem since an english summary of it will be added by the moderator! just write your comments below this article in the comment section (please scroll down and click “comment”)!

to read older entried, please click on “ARCHIVE” !

waiting for your contributions here!
hans hedrich, politologist
sighisoara / schaessburg / segesvar

wielka orkiestra… the big orchestra…

In polski świat on January 11, 2009 at 23:01

duminica / niedziela / sonntag 11.01.09
2045H > jerzy owsiak
a avut acum 17 ani un vis, anume sa stranga cat mai multi bani pentru ingrijirea medicala a copiilor suferind de boli cardiovasculare. in acest scop a organizat un concert, anul viitor altul si altul si tot asa pana in prezent, astfel incat azi “wielka orkiestra…” a devenit un fenom de masa in toate orasele poloniei, realmente un eveniment national-cultural-social-culinar.

iesind in strada in polonia, in a doua duminica din ianurie, nu ai cum sa-i ratezi pe strangatorii de donatii, echipati cu ecusoane, cutii de donatii si inimioare autocolante – cele din urma fiind recompensa pentru donarea unei sume cat de modice in folosul copiilor bolnavi… asadar, in jurul zilei de 10 ianuarie jumatate din polonezi umbla cu abtzibilduri ‘cordiale’ lipite pe jachete, caciuli, manusi, panataloni, obraz, copii si căței.

este ultima mea impresie importanta din varsovia si a locuitorilor acestui oras / a acestei tari, inainte sa ma intorc la sighisoara: varsovia – un oras rece cu oameni cadurosi la suflet.
poate ca, intr-o zi, se vor gasi imitatori si in alte tari pentru acest gen de manifestatie de binefacere…

energofagie made in poland

In natura3000, polski świat on January 11, 2009 at 00:57


how to increase wealth in poland: consuming less energy and ressources…

sambata / samstag 10.01.09
sint in polonia
de cca. 3 saptamani. constat ca polonezii si-au dobandit prin munca si efort bunastare si comfort. bunastare pe care ar putea-o mari considerabil si sustenabil daca ar folosi becuri cu consum redus, daca n-ar deschide robinetul de apa la maxim, daca ar pune incalzirea in casa pe max. 18-20 grade celsius, daca ar recicla deseurile, daca aparatele lor electrice nu ar fi intr-un continuu standby energofag.